
I am somebody. I am smart, important, creative and loved. I have the power to control my actions, speech and thoughts. God has a plan for my life and I am perfect according to his plan. I am a leader and my actions affect others in a positive manner. I am confident and happy. I feel good about myself, family and friends. I am somebody!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Chemistry or Physics?

Chemistry or Physics? or in our case, both. Last year we did biology for ten weeks, chemistry for ten weeks and physics for ten weeks. We loved them all so much that when it came to planning for this year’s science I toiled and toiled about what to do. Thus, I did what any logical science loving homeschooler would do. I decided to do one year of Chemistry and Physics simultaneously followed by another year of Anatomy and Biology. I know it sounds crazy, but it really makes logically sense to me.  (You can’t reason with an addict and my boys  and I are addicted to science.) I treat both sciences as two totally difference subjects. We do Physics on Mondays  and Chemistry on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  Needless to say, our classroom looks like a tornado has touched down right in the middle of it for the most part. But who cares, we are having fun and learning volumes and volumes of information.   

For those who know me, know I can't just follow one curriculum. I normally pick two or three curriculums to be my spine and then add in a lot of living book, games, Youtube videos and other education movies. Planning season around my house, starts sometime in December and ends around March. If you come to my house during these months you will likely find stacks and stacks of books lying about by house.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Our Math Experience: Two Math Crazed Drivers Coming Through

Who's driving this math car anyway. Well, I may have made the road map, but these boys are definitely driving the math car. I am just clearing out obstacles along the way.

Understanding the importance of symmetry by studying kite designs.

  Twizzlers make learning fractions, decimals and percents so much more fun.

                                  Addition fractions is so sweet!

                                 Friendly game of fraction war.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Our Math Experience: Going Back into Time

When I started mapping out this year’s math journey, I wasn't sure exactly what path I wanted to take, but I knew I wanted my boys to activity experience the world of math. From ancient times to the modern day math, man has used math to explore the world in which we live. There are some many fascinating stories about numbers and hidden patterns that are skimmed over or left out altogether in traditional math books. For months I thumbed through countless number of "boring and nonchallenging" math books. Without fail, they seem to suck the joy out of math. So I decided to devise my own math plan. The task of coming up with my own plan was not an easy task, but well worth the effort.  My kids love math and have grown in leaps and bound in their mathematical abilities.

Ancient Egyptians made simple but effective shadow clocks and sundials.

Our ancestors measured time by counting and watching the Sun, Moon and Stars

Before we had Arabic Numeral we had Roman Numeral. When in Roman, write like the Romans!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Contenders of the Faith: Giving Back to Others

I am so proud of my boys. Over the past four years they have collected/purchased over 400 toys to distribute to sick kids.  This year they set a goal to distribute 100 toys. God showed them favor and they were able to distribute over 150 toys to sicks at a local hospital.

Sorting Toys

Proud donors

Distributing toys at hospital.