As you can see from the picture of the student assignment board above, Shane and Nigel's week are full of planned activities. At any given time, I can see how they are progressing on their daily and weekly assignments. Another great thing about the student boards it is teaching Shane and Nigel to take responsible for their own work. Every morning after they finish their morning household chore they go to upstairs to our classroom and start their school work. The far left hand column tells them where to find their assignment. For example, if there is picture of a computer they know they need to go the computer to complete the task, a picture of a work box means their assignment is their individual work box and etc. The next five columns, which represent Monday thru Friday, details more of what they are suppose to be working on. In our case, Friday will almost always be blank because, Friday is our field trip/fun day. I tried to make their board very user friendly, clear and concise. My goal was that they would to be able to look at their board and know exactly what movie, computer program, Ipad app or book I wanted them to work on.
Within a few days, Shane and Nigel both had master this process. To make my life a little easier, I made my weekly planning sheet mirror their boards. Also it is important to me that Shane and Nigel get a full range of daily work box assignment. Looking at their assignment board you will note their assignment tag start with various letters. The letter help make sure my basis are covered. The "A" represents Critical Thinking," B" Hand On Activities, "C" represents independent reader, "D" represent file folder games and "E' represents handwriting. The numbers following the letter really don’t mean anything, but allows me to prep in batches.
In a later blog, I will share more on the activities that I have prepped and are ready to go.
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